Thursday, December 30, 2010
LHR ep18: ChristmaTempleRahnisode
MARVEL as Gdaybloke tries to kinda sorta follow an agenda! GASP as MenothJohn tries to adopt our guest! SNICKER as you imagine just how badly our guest will need to pee by the time it's all done!
Take part in the tomfoolery via iTunes, or this link right over here - LINKY!
Monday, December 27, 2010
Film Rumble, Episode 14: Triple Feature!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Re-Play Radio Episode 23: Prince of Oh Nevermind
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 12: TGGTFNDWSEWYMAAMYWS
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 11: For Maxykins
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Lost Hemisphere Radio ep17: Aeryn Rudel
Fair warning this episode did have a few technical difficulties, which I assure you we feel absolutely terrible about, but re-recording the episode would mean we'd have to come up with a whole new set of lightning round questions for Aeryn, and then you'd miss out on the original magic.
Download the episode on iTunes, or clicky this here linky. Yee-haw!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Re-Play Radio Episode 22: It's a Major Award!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Film Rumble, Episode 13: The Many Happy Returns of the Rumble and Harry Potter
Thursday, November 25, 2010
LHR ep16: Circle Orboros
From JohnCon2 to Templecon 2011, from a tree with a vote (take that, suffrage movement!) to a everyone's favourite jumbo shrimp with a lazer beam, this is Lost Hemisphere Radio episode 16. Download via iTunes, or right here by clicking this very link.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 10: Hugo, I Go
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Re-Play Radio Episode 21: Golf Course BBQ
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 9: Up The Down Stair
Thursday, November 4, 2010
LHR ep15: The Hobby Side
... oh, and we take a stroll through some new release news, stand in awe of the sheer audacity of those participating in Privateer's Impossible Dream challenge, and just for the halibut, review Fantasy Flight's Death Angel card game.
Won't you join us? Download the episode on iTunes, or right here: Link!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Re-Play Radio Episode 20: Uncharted, Drake's Dolphin
Friday, October 29, 2010
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 8: Once Bitten, Trice Shy
Friday, October 22, 2010
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 7: S-S-O-L-O
Thursday, October 21, 2010
LHR ep14: Legion of Everblight Review
Join us as we revel in the niftiness that is the latest Hordes Mk II release, including much discourse on what's possibly the most innovative warlock in the game to date! Can Gdaybloke be bullied into making a Wizard of Oz Flying Monkeys list? Can MenothJohn find some real beer to drink? Can our guest survive all these shenanigans?? Oh, the humanity!
As always, find us on iTunes (and leave us a review!) or download directly right here.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 6: The Silver Age Beginneth
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Lost Hemisphere Radio ep13: Keeping it Pink
We take a mental meander over some Retribution (Invictors are good), Trolls (Dannon & Bull killed something!) and Mercs (Roulette is a dirty, dirty feat), and let's not forget our first mini-interview as one of our roving reporters corners PPS DC and makes him answer the questions no-one else would dare to ask...
Lost Hemisphere Radio episode 13 can be downloaded directly here: LINK!
Friday, October 8, 2010
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 5: NOT Featuring Nicki Minaj
Like clockwork, a new episode of Geekspeak is set to forcibly invade your head. This week? We talk about comic book movie news, specifically the torrent of information about the new Superman movie and Emma Stone's cast...casting...castment...she's in the Spider-Man reboot. Then, find out why video games are cheaper than ever. Finally, we talk about how Britain's energy needs are going right down the toilet with special guest Eugene Ahn, who has a new album out that you should buy. All this, plus we even snuck in an impromptu 60 Second Soundoff for those of you who wanted it. Download it now, or spend the rest of your life wondering what might have been.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Re-Play Radio Episode 19: Sharktopus Jungle Beat
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 4: On The Thoroughfare To Hell IN 3D
The new Geekspeak is right on time! Bryan, Drew, Lindsey, and Wags chat about the latest 3DS announcement, 3D Star Wars, and California's new anti-online impersonation law, complete with all the saucy banter you've come to expect. Then, Bryan and FRANK sit down with professional wrestler/musician/actor Brimstone and inker Allen Chickering to talk Brimstone and the Borderhounds, charity work, and their fantasy comic tag team partners. This 91 minute beast is all yours just for clicking here.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 3: Of Demons and Wheels
New Geekspeak! New format! Way shorter! Bryan and Brad talk about the Wachowski's totally bonkers new movie, philosophize about SModcast's move to satellite radio, and marvel at the tactical benefits of green technology in war zones. Download it now!
Friday, September 24, 2010
LHR ep12: Forces of Hordes: Trollbloods
Fiction and background fluff, the careful application of a bazooka, just how far *can* Pyg Bushwhackers shoot on turn one, and we even touch on taking your existing collection and making a theme force out of it with minimal impact on your wallet.
As usual, the incarnate niftiness can be found on iTunes, or downloaded directly right here: Linky!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
LHR ep11a: Warstore Weekend
Enjoy this shorter-than-usual episode as one of your beloved hosts rakes our guest over the coals to extract the secrets of the impending Warstore Weekend, Foodmachine, and a li'l announcement concerning Lost Hemisphere's planned shenanigans at our favourite convention, Templecon!
Download on iTunes, or directly right here: Linky!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 2: I Actually Didn't Go With That Title
On the eve of Geekspeak's next big format change (check Twitter, chuckles), we bid farewell to Geekspeak 3.0 the only way we know how - by everybody ditching except for Bryan and Lindsey. No matter. Like Dolly up there, they're more than enough woman to handle anything that's thrown at them. Sailing towards their direction this week? An update to the Admiral Ackbar situation at Ole Miss, discussion of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's next season (and TV in general), baffling Xbox Live bannings, the groundbreaking "Dark Tower" adaptation, and Google Instant. Download it now!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Re-Play Radio Episode 18: Air Zonk Falsetto
Saturday, August 28, 2010
LHR ep10: Castigate This!
When MenothJohn's away, Gdaybloke will play! Well, will record another episode for your listening pleasure, at least. Tune in as Gdaybloke tries vainly to fill the gap left by MenothJohn's absence with a little dose of Moonova.
Not quite willing to let go of the Skorne yet, we once more visit the empire as Moonova natters about Xerxis, then we discuss Menite heavies and ponder the red-headed stepchild of the 8pt Protectorate warjacks, the Castigator - and Gdaybloke, addicted as he is to theme forces, postulates on using them with different casters as part of a smokescreen... or flamescreen, whatever.
Download on iTunes, or directly right here: Linky!
Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 1: Geekspeak Vs. The Universe
Monday, August 16, 2010
Re-Play Radio Episode 17: I'm in Phantasy With You
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Lost Hemisphere Radio ep9: GenCon and Skorne
Those wacky lads MenothJohn and Gdaybloke are at it again, this with an overlength episode tackling both GenCon and the newly released Forces of Hordes: Skorne.
Who's the bigger masochist? Which beers are fueling our hosts and their unsuspecting guests? Gasp as they compare new releases! Wince as MenothJohn makes everyone drink! Shudder as the witty banter begins to show the effects of simultaneous late night podcasting and beverages!
Bear with us as we plow through two heady topics and leave Norbert wondering why, oh why, despite his super nice efforts, Henry is still Chris' favourite SOB...
Available on iTunes and for direct download at this link: Linky!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Lost Hemisphere Radio ep8: Hordes MkII Primal
With the release of Hordes MkII: Primal, those of us who enjoy getting all feral and beastly on the tabletop finally get the update we've been waiting for in oh-so-pretty full colour splendiforousness.
Join Gdaybloke and MenothJohn as we speculate wildly about the fiction, the map, the possibilities for new factions, and wade through the factions, adoring the art and postulating on just which models most tickle our fancy.
As always, swing by the blog at, joins us on the forums, and generally have a good time. Pie for all!
Download the episode directly here: Linky!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Geekspeak Season 11, Episode 11: Better Than A Poke In The Eye
It's late and I've been working on this for hours. So here's the facts: Carr. Canze. Wahowiak. Proctor. Wolkin. Ahn. Topic? Comic-Con and the final volume of Scott Pilgrim (note that this discussion contains spoilers). This is basically everyone you want to talk about Comic-Con, and it clocks in at just under two and one half hours. So download it - download it now!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Lost Hemisphere Radio ep7: Retribution of Scyrah
Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen, it's time to finally look back at where Warmachine MkII really started - the Retribution of Scyrah. Gdaybloke's back from vacation, MenothJohn's still dashingly handsome, and our guest this week? Well, we kept him from chewing on the furniture, at least until we'd finished recording.
Ride with us as we discuss some of the new releases, speculate briefly on those flying things in the top right corner of the Legion book's cover art, and dive headfirst into Ios to discuss the history of the reclusive nation, Kaelyssa's mage hunter strike force swarm, and even talk about getting some use out of the not-overly-popular Nayl.
Download the episode directly here: Link!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Lost Hemisphere Radio ep6: Mercenaries
What happens when Gdaybloke takes a week off for a vacation? MenothJohn steams ahead anyway! Forces of Warmachine: Mercenaries has been released, and dagnabbit, the lack of an Aussie isn't going to stop LHR from charging on in all its niftiness!
Join MenothJohn and his TWO special guests as they try to combine forces to counteract the loss of the sexiest voice in Warmachine podcasting.
Download the podcast directly here: LINK!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Geekspeak Season 11, Episode 10: DR FAYGO
Monday, June 28, 2010
Re-Play Radio Episode 16: I Think I've Got It!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Lost Hemisphere Radio Ep5: Terraining It Up!
Almost two hours of chattery and ramblification on scenario boards, terrain, and coordinating events with your FLGS! Feel free to fire up Free Time Black Hole episode 7 to check out the maps and read along as we look at a handful of particularly awesome scenario boards with special guest CaptainSpud.
Zombies attacking two armies as they tried to hide in the same farmhouse?
Objectives in the middle of a frozen lake that's rapidly cracking?
One little bag of treasure hidden in a clustered townscape?
We got that.
Download the podcast directly by clicking this here LINKY!
Lost Hemisphere: http://losthemisphere.comFTBH7:
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Geekspeak Season 11, Episode 9: Closer Than My Arm You Are To Me
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Film Rumble, Episode 12: Exit Through the GeekSpeak Store
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Re-Play Radio Episode 15: Bustin Makes Me Feel Good
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
What's better than getting a new episode of Lost Hemisphere Radio? Getting two episodes in under a week! Hot damn, but it's an audio cornucopia! Join John and Chris and two (two!) special guests as they discuss the brand spankin' new Forces of Warmachine: Cryx book, and marvel at the dizzying array of background noises!
Mysterious heavy breathing! Cat on a piano! Baby babble!
Oh, and we just may have achieved the most in-depth discussion of the pros and cons of Cephalyx ever to be recorded. Wacky floating dudes in PVC longcoats!
If you don't want to subscribe on iTunes (though please do, and leave a review!), you can tap into the awesomesauce by directly right here.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Film Rumble, Episode 11: The Return
Monday, June 7, 2010
Geekspeak Season 11, Episode 8: The RZA, The GZA, And Etc.
Hey, at least we're keeping it biweekly.
Anyway, in this week's episode of Geekspeak, we talk about class action lawsuits, Mario-sponsored drugs, and other video game related stories...then we update you on the Google situation...check in with our first Monkeygeddon update...potential malware in your favorite cellular provider's App store...and debate the merits of a proposed tax on consumer electronics to save newspapers in a conversation that is thrilling, insightful, and something I was not entirely awake for. Oh, and Jake is back. Download it now.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Lost Hemisphere Radio Ep3: Blasted Heath and Mustered Troops
Welcome back! Time for some more Lost Hemisphere Radio shenanigans. We can't spend all our time blogging over at can we?? Pffft, sure we can.
Join us this episode as we discuss the Blasted Heath seasonal models and tear into the head of Zach "Splinter" Beatty, winner of the Muster The Troops contest, and discuss whether or not it's heresy to consider changing an army list put together by PPS_DC ;)
Niftiness can be downloaded here.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Re-Play Radio Episode 14: Paint Your Skies Crimson
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Geekspeak Season 11, Episode 7: Dizzying Highs, Crushing Lows
The List, Episode 9
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Lost Hemisphere Radio Ep2: Khador and IK RPG
Time for another injection of Lost Hemisphere goodness. I'm sure, like all loyal Lost, you've been dutifully reading the blog at on a daily basis, but we're more than happy to let you have another audible taste of our special brand of insanity.
This time we take a brief look at the Khador book and theme lists with the help of Rich "Orcasaurus" Godwaldt, and we discuss the difficulties of roleplaying Menites in a heroic setting, and talk about the possibility of homebrewing something based on the Dogs In The Vineyard RPG.
Join us, won't you? Download the niftiness.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The List Episode 8: Act Your Way Out Of This
Yes yes we aren't dead. I'm just extremely lazy. The List RETURNS! This week you should prepare for trouble and make it double. The List blasts off with the speed of light with 2 new episodes. We discuss who we would want to play us in motion picture films. Also Jake once again makes fun of Wag's list. Download it here!