Sunday, May 23, 2010

Geekspeak Season 11, Episode 7: Dizzying Highs, Crushing Lows

A new Geekspeak has arrived! If you like Brad Canze, Drew Proctor, Kathryn Gonsior, and the nothing-if-not-consistent Bryan Carr talking about robot marriage, Megan Fox, working conditions in Apple factories, the future of movies, and Google sniffing around in your personal business...then you are in luck! If you don't like these things, GTFO. The rest of you, download the show.

The List, Episode 9

The List gives you another germ this week with horrible ways we'd want to die. Jake trys to take a serious look into the subject of death while Steve starts the ball rolling with poo. Pretty much what you would expect from this show by now. Download it here!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lost Hemisphere Radio Ep2: Khador and IK RPG

Time for another injection of Lost Hemisphere goodness. I'm sure, like all loyal Lost, you've been dutifully reading the blog at on a daily basis, but we're more than happy to let you have another audible taste of our special brand of insanity.

This time we take a brief look at the Khador book and theme lists with the help of Rich "Orcasaurus" Godwaldt, and we discuss the difficulties of roleplaying Menites in a heroic setting, and talk about the possibility of homebrewing something based on the Dogs In The Vineyard RPG.

Join us, won't you? Download the niftiness.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The List Episode 8: Act Your Way Out Of This

Yes yes we aren't dead. I'm just extremely lazy. The List RETURNS! This week you should prepare for trouble and make it double. The List blasts off with the speed of light with 2 new episodes. We discuss who we would want to play us in motion picture films. Also Jake once again makes fun of Wag's list. Download it here!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Re-Play Radio Episode 13: Champion of the Universe

Here's another episode of Re-Play Radio, complete with lots of discussion of lots of games in What Else, a rant about Starcraft 2, and some conversation about some game that I refuse to acknowledge the existence of because it is a stupid game and Steve Watts won because he is King of the Stupids. Download it now.

Geekspeak Season 11, Episode 6: Da Na Na Na Na NA NA NA NA

OK, OK. We heard you. You wanted a new Geekspeak. Well, here it is. Bryan, Brad Canze, and Lindsey were all up on the show this week, as we talk about moms, the Machete trailer, the possibility of first-run movies being piped into your house, pirates being the best customers, and, we spoil the living crap out of Iron Man 2 as we review it. Did it live up to the hype? Was it good? (Answers: Yes.) Download it now.