Saturday, September 25, 2010

Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 3: Of Demons and Wheels

New Geekspeak! New format! Way shorter! Bryan and Brad talk about the Wachowski's totally bonkers new movie, philosophize about SModcast's move to satellite radio, and marvel at the tactical benefits of green technology in war zones. Download it now!

Friday, September 24, 2010

LHR ep12: Forces of Hordes: Trollbloods

Did you miss us? Cos we're back! Gdaybloke and MenothJohn have had enough of your foolish shenanigans, it's time to get tough! Forces of Hordes: Trollbloods has been released, and what better way to celebrate it than raking a super secret special guest over the coals! Seriously, who the heck owns six freakin' Pyre Trolls???

Fiction and background fluff, the careful application of a bazooka, just how far *can* Pyg Bushwhackers shoot on turn one, and we even touch on taking your existing collection and making a theme force out of it with minimal impact on your wallet.

As usual, the incarnate niftiness can be found on iTunes, or downloaded directly right here: Linky!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

LHR ep11a: Warstore Weekend

Ah, dear listener, how we mourn Episode 11. You see, Episode 11 was the epitome of podcastery, with discussion of impending events, Summer Rampage, and other joyful verbal meanderings... but it was eaten by audio gremlins. So as not to leave you completely bereft of our voices, your noble hosts Gdaybloke and MenothJohn valiantly rescheduled their guest, fired up the mics and went for Round Two... but one of your hosts exploded in a puff of illogic and feathers. It was kinda pretty really.

Enjoy this shorter-than-usual episode as one of your beloved hosts rakes our guest over the coals to extract the secrets of the impending Warstore Weekend, Foodmachine, and a li'l announcement concerning Lost Hemisphere's planned shenanigans at our favourite convention, Templecon!

Download on iTunes, or directly right here: Linky!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Geekspeak Season 12, Episode 2: I Actually Didn't Go With That Title

On the eve of Geekspeak's next big format change (check Twitter, chuckles), we bid farewell to Geekspeak 3.0 the only way we know how - by everybody ditching except for Bryan and Lindsey. No matter. Like Dolly up there, they're more than enough woman to handle anything that's thrown at them. Sailing towards their direction this week? An update to the Admiral Ackbar situation at Ole Miss, discussion of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia's next season (and TV in general), baffling Xbox Live bannings, the groundbreaking "Dark Tower" adaptation, and Google Instant. Download it now!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Re-Play Radio Episode 18: Air Zonk Falsetto

Re-Play Radio brings you another sterling example of why podcasting should be left to professionals. In this episode our heroes talk about Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Yoshi's Island 2, FASTAR, Dead Rising Case Zero, Metroid Other M, Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep, and Valkyria Chronicles 2. Then it's on to the main event as Bryan discovers what makes a game about a space caveman an underrated gem. Finally, Steve picks on Microsoft for making stupid decisions in the Rant. It's all there for your enjoyment, and only a click away! Download it now.